Symphon-E App REST/JSON Lesezugriff

1. REST/JSON — Read access

These instructions describe read access to a Heckert Solar electrical energy storage system via the REST/JSON API. Then, the interface’s functionality is explained.

1.1. Prerequisites

The device accessing the electrical energy storage system (e. g. notebook/PC) must have direct access to the IP address of the EMS — i. e. be connected to the same physical network.

1.2. REST/JSON basics

The REST/JSON interface enables access to the EMS in the local network via an interface based on REST .

1.3. Read access

This app provides an interface based on REST that can be used to read data points in the system.

This app is included in the EMS standard scope of delivery.

The base address for REST access is http://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<IP>:80/rest

  • http is the protocol

  • <USER> is the user name. As authentication only takes place via the password, any value (e. g. "x") can be entered here

  • <PASSWORD> is the password of the user. The default "guest" user in EMS has the password "user"

  • <IP> is the IP address of EMS

  • 80 is the port for the REST/JSON API (optional)

So if your EMS has the local IP address '', the base address for REST access is http://x:user@

For security reasons, Simple Authentication Requests are not supported, as passwords are transmitted via the URL in this variant. Header authentication must be used explicitly for REST calls. A query directly via the browser (without an extension) is therefore not possible. In this case, an error message appears, see figure Error message for Simple Authentication Requests. For a query in the browser, please use the Talend API Tester extension as described in here.
REST authentication error
Figure 1. Error message for Simple Authentication Requests

1.3.1. /channel endpoint

The /channel endpoint enables access to individual data points, so-called "channels", in the system.

The full address of the endpoint is:


1.3.2. Data points

The following data points of the _sum component can be read out:

Table 1. Data points of the _sum component

Data point




0: Ok, 1: Info, 2: Warning, 3: Fault


State of Charge
[0 - 100]

Percent [%]


AC-side active power of the electrical energy storage including excess DC generation with hybrid inverter

Watt [W]


AC-side reactive power of the electrical energy storage

Volt Ampere Reactive [var]


Active power at the grid connection point

Watt [W]


Minimum active power ever measured at the grid connection point

Watt [W]


Maximum active power per measured active power at the grid connection point

Watt [W]


Active power of the PV yield and, if applicable, yield from external inverters

Watt [W]


Maximum measured active power of the PV system

Watt [W]


Active power of the external AC inverters

Watt [W]


Power of the DC generation of the hybrid inverter

Watt [W]


Active power of the electrical consumption

Watt [W]


Maximum active power of the electrical consumption ever measured

Watt [W]


Cumulative electrical energy of the AC-side battery charging incl. excess PV generation at the hybrid inverter

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical energy from electrical energy storage to consumption via AC output of the inverter incl. PV generation

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical energy of grid consumption

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical energy of grid feed-in

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical energy of PV generation + external inverter generation

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical energy of the external inverters

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical energy of the PV generation of the inverter

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative electrical consumption

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative DC electrical energy of battery charging

Watt hours [Wh]


Cumulative DC electrical energy of storage discharge

Watt hours [Wh]


Actual AC-side active power of the electrical energy storage

Watt [W]


1: On-Grid, 2: Off-Grid

1.3.3. Example 1 — Querying the state of charge: cURL

The command line program cURL is pre-installed on both Windows and Linux.

To read out the state of charge of the electrical energy storage, send a GET request to the address: http://x:user@

You will receive a response in JSON format:


The following command saves the response in JSON format in the out.json file

>curl -o out.json http://x:user@

To output the contents of the file, use :

>type out.json



The state of charge value is found under value. In the example above, it is 99 %.


The following command saves the response in JSON format in the out.json file

$curl -o out.json http://x:user@

To output the contents of the file, use :

>cat out.json



The state of charge value is found under value. In the example above, it is 99 %.

1.3.4. Example 2 — Querying the state of charge: Python

Python versions for Windows and Linux are available here:

To read out the state of charge of the electrical energy storage, a GET request must also be sent to the address:
http://x:user@ must also be sent.

The requests library, which must be imported at the beginning, can be used for this:

import requests

url = ''

user = 'x'
password = 'user'

session = requests.Session()
session.auth = (user, password)

response = session.get(url)

The command returns a response in JSON format. Output it using the following command:




The state of charge value is found under value. In the example above, it is 99 %.

1.3.5. Example 3 — Querying the state of charge: Talend API Tester

Talend API Tester is an extension for Google Chrome that allows to test REST APIs.

First, an Authorization header must be added:

Talend API Tester Authentication

Then, execute the GET request.

Talend API Tester

The state of charge value is found under value. In the example above, it is 99 %.