Installations- und Konfigurationsanleitung — eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro
1. Introduction
1.1. Legal provisions
The information contained in these documents is the property of Heckert Solar GmbH. Publication, in whole or in part, requires the written consent of Heckert Solar GmbH.
Subject to changes and printing errors!
1.2. Qualification of the installing electrician
A qualified electrician is a person who has the necessary experience and training:
Setting up, switching on, switching off, disconnecting, short-circuiting and repairing circuits and devices
Standard maintenance and use of protective devices in accordance with current safety standards
First aid/emergency care
Current knowledge of local regulations, standards and guidelines
1.3. Symbols used
Before reading the manual, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of safety warnings. You should also familiarize yourself with the importance of the safety warnings.
1.4. Darstellungskonventionen
2. Produktbeschreibung
2.1. Scope of delivery
Prüfen Sie, nachdem Sie die Lieferung erhalten haben, ob alle Bestandteile mitgeliefert wurden. Prüfen Sie den Lieferumfang auf Beschädigungen. Sollte etwas fehlen oder beschädigt sein, wenden Sie sich bitte sofort an den Lieferanten. Folgende Komponenten sind in der Lieferung enthalten:
eCharge Hardy Barth cPμ2 Pro Ladestation
eCharge MID-Zähler
11 kW, integriertes 4-Meter-Spiralkabel mit Typ-2-Stecker (IEC 62196-2)
Installations- und Konfigurationsanleitung — Typ-2-Ladestation "eCharge Hardy Barth cPμ2 Pro"
Handbuch — "Ladestation cPμ2 Pro"
Das RS485-Zweidrahtkabel, welches für den Anschluss der Modbus-/RTU-Kommunikationsverbindung zum Zähler notwendig ist, ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten! |
3. Commissioning
To install the Hardy-Barth charging station, please follow the instructions in the "Installation and operating instructions cPμ2 charging station". |
The "Configuration Manual" for the Salia board should also be read and internalized: |
This quick guide refers to the original user manuals. |
The plug connection for the LED display can be disconnected if required. This makes it easier to work on the charging station during commissioning. |
We recommend checking the plug connection to the left of the Ethernet port on the Salia board, as in our experience this is often loose. |
Once the charging station has been installed and configured, it must be connected to the customer network via the network interface (LAN) on the Salia board.

3.1. Connecting the meter
Connect the meter as shown below:

Use the enclosed instructions for this:

Make sure that the meter is installed the right way round: OUT must point towards the charging station, IN towards the sub-distribution board. |
Establish the communication connection to the meter as follows:

The negative contact of the cable must be connected to contact A on the meter and to contact 22 (top) on the Salia board. The positive contact of the cable must be connected to contact B on the meter and to contact 23 (bottom) on the Salia board.
3.2. Configuration
By default, the charging station can be reached under the IP address
To reach the charging station from your notebook/PC, it is necessary to set up a static IP address in the same subnet (e. g.
) in the network adapter settings.
To do this, connect the Salia board to your device (here: notebook) via the RJ45 socket, as shown below:

Open your web browser to access the web interface. To do this, enter the following IP address:
If problems occur in step 2, proceed as follows:
Open the "Network and Sharing Center" under the system settings of your PC.
Click on LAN connection.

In the newly opened window, click on Properties
In the new window, double-click to open the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" item
(see graphic).
Alternatively, select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in the open window and then click on "Properties"

In the next window, select "Use the following IP address" to enter the IP address
and the subnet mask255.255.255.0
as shown in the picture below. The entries for the DNS server can be left blank.

Confirm the entries. Then switch off the power to the wallbox once, wait a few seconds and allow the wallbox to reboot.
The charging station can then be configured via the web interface. To do this, enter the IP address of the charging station (
) in the address bar of the browser. The web interface then appears as shown below:

The network settings can be checked here:

3.3. Configuration of the meter
It must be ensured that the meter is activated:

If this is not the case (grayed out symbol), it must be activated manually. To do this, double-click in the free area next to System configuration:

An extended view with further configuration options then opens. The meter can be activated under Advanced Options:

If no meter values are displayed in the EMS Online Monitoring, please check whether the correct meter has been selected. |
Double-click on the cogwheel next to Advanced Options to do so:

An extended view then opens with further configuration options for meters and RFID cards.
Please check that the correct meter has been selected under Advanced Meter Options under Protocol.

In this example, an "Eastron" meter is selected.
3.4. Saving the changes
To apply your changes, click on Save and reboot

We recommend that you always use the latest firmware to ensure that all the latest functions of the charging station can be used.
3.5. Updating the charging station firmware
We recommend always using the latest firmware to ensure that all the latest functions of the charging station can be used.
This can be obtained from the manufacturer’s website of eCharge Hardy Barth or directly via the link below:
Salia eCharge Firmware
The firmware can then be updated via the web interface of the charging station (see Web interface — Charging station).

Then proceed as follows:
Open the Firmware tab
Select previously downloaded firmware file with Browse….
Click on Upload Firmware
The Check for updates function is only available from version 1.50.0 and up. |
The software update has now been completed.
Denken Sie daran, die statische Vorgabe nach Abschluss der Konfiguration wieder zu entfernen. Anderenfalls ist das EMS-Online-Monitoring nicht erreichbar und es können Verbindungsprobleme zum Internet auftreten. |
Setzen Sie hierzu die Einstellung zurück auf "IP-Adresse automatisch beziehen", wie unten abgebildet:

Um sicherzustellen, dass alle aktuellen Funktionen auf Ihrem EMS unterstützt werden, muss ein Update durchgeführt werden. Kontaktieren Sie hierzu unseren Service über die untenstehenden Kontaktdaten. |
Die Konfiguration ist hiermit abgeschlossen.
4. Install Symphon-E App eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro Ladestation
In the Symphon-E App Center you will find all installable Symphon-E Apps — such as the Symphon-E App eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro Ladestation.
In the user manual Symphon-E App Center you will find detailed instructions on how to use the Symphon-E App Center. It also describes how to register and redeem a license key. |
There are two ways to install an app via the Symphon-E App Center. Only the [Direct installation] is described below, whereby a license key is registered and redeemed in the EMS.
4.1. Direct Installation
To install the Symphon-E App eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro Ladestation directly, go to the overview of the Symphon-E App Center.
Only apps from the "Available" category can be installed. |

Select the Symphon-E App eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro Ladestation by clicking on it.

You will then be taken to the app overview.

Click on the "Install app" button.

An input mask for redeeming a license key appears.

You have two options here.
4.1.1. Redeem already registered license key
If you want to redeem an already registered license key, select it (1). Then click on the button of the same name to redeem the selected license key (2).

4.1.2. Redeeming a new license key
If you have not yet registered a license key or wish to redeem a new license key, enter the 16-digit key in the corresponding field (1) and then click on "Validate license key" (2). The entered license key is then checked for validity.

If the license key is valid, it can be redeemed by clicking on the button of the same name. If the license key is recognized as invalid, please check your entry and try again.

You will then be taken to the installation wizard for Symphon-E App eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro Ladestation.

Some of the input fields are pre-filled. Nevertheless, enter your data if it differs from the default values (e. g. IP address). Otherwise, the default values can be retained (e. g. port, Modbus unit ID).
Mandatory fields are marked with * |
Check your entries and make sure that they are correct. Otherwise the respective app will not work properly! |
For the Hardy Barth eCharger cPµ2 Pro, please select "1" for the number of charging points.
Then click on "Install app".

Once the installation process is complete, the new app appears in the overview of the Symphon-E App Center in the "Installed" category.
4.2. Edit EMS app
Apps that have already been installed can be subsequently edited to change configuration settings. To do this, select the respective app in the Symphon-E App Center overview and click on the "Edit app" button. Detailed instructions are found in the user manual Symphon-E App Center. |
Die Symphon-E App eCharge Hardy Barth cPµ2 Pro Ladestation wurde erfolgreich installiert.